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European Union Public Diplomacy

作者:排列5 时间:2020-01-09 点击数:

This course aims to get students familiarized with the organs of the European Union, especially the ones that have a crucial role in the public communication process to the EU member states and outside of EU. It touches on the very core of how the perception of EU is shaped in the aspect of public opinion and what are the influencing factors in decision making of this shaping process.

As a course provided to students majored in various European languages, it serves at the need of the students to obtain a basic understanding of how the EU works. Furthermore, relevant topics to their existing learning program such as language policy, culture policy and shaping public perspective through public discourse will be systematically introduced in the framework of the public diplomacy of the EU, so that bridges can be built between a certain language and a better understanding toward the super-national institution in which the country is a member of and the language of which the student is studying.

排列5历史开奖结果 - 排列5走势图带连线专业版 - 杭州热电 版权所有. 地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路2号/19号    邮编:100089  Supported by BFSU ITC


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