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European Company Law

作者:排列5 时间:2020-01-09 点击数:

The course of European Company Law is a legal course for junior law students. The aim of the course is to help students to understand European company law’s essential principles, to achieve an overview of its terminology and content and to develop the necessary skills to research and master details of the subject. It introduces the students systematically to the statutory documents and key cases of several European countries. It covers the analysis of key European directives, authentic company documents, law reform reports, non-statutory codes of practice and academic writings by leading authors. This course is also trying to equip students with skills of comparative legal studies through the analysis of commonalities and differences between European company law and its counterparts of Chinese law. Topics of the course to be covered include but not limited to: the historical development of the European company law, sources of European company law, the incorporation of companies, theory of legal personality, memorandum of association, the shareholder’s meeting, the board of directors, shares and corporate bonds, capital and dividends, accounts and audit, fiduciary duties of directors, takeovers and mergers, corporate insolvency.

排列5历史开奖结果 - 排列5走势图带连线专业版 - 杭州热电 版权所有. 地址:北京市海淀区西三环北路2号/19号    邮编:100089  Supported by BFSU ITC


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